Club Location
Ashley School Hall
Club Contact Details
Name: Alan Ramsay
Phone: 021 251 9215 or (03) 312-8013
Email Address: [email protected]
Club Training Times
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00 – 8:00pm
Club Instructors
Sempai Paul Lennox has trained in Goju Ryu karate for nearly 20 years, he began his training in Rangiora under Sensei Rob Stewart and continued to train under him until Sensei Rob suddenly passed away in December 2008. Sempai Paul is currently in Australia furthering his career and his security business along with furthering his karate knowledge, and comes back regularly to train with us.
Sensei Alan Ramsay started studying Goju Ryu 23 years ago along with some training in Judo and Jujitsu. He holds a strong knowledge of Kata and traditional Goju Ryu basics, some of which he learned when travelling in Okinawa.
The club has a strong belief in the study of traditional karate and kata. If you are wanting to study traditional karate the Rangiora Institute of Traditional Karate may be for you.